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UTP 73 G 2 anti-wear. Classifications basic-coated stick electrode. DIN 8555. EN 14700. E 3-UM-55-ST. E Fe8. Characteristics and field of use.UTP 73 G 2. Language Dutch. Brand: UTP. Ceweld: E DUR 60 Kb. Category. SMAW Stick Electrodes. type. Basic coated, alloyed Cr-Mo-V electrode. applications.UTP A 73 G 2 1/8 Dia X 39 Hard Facing TIG Welding Rod comes in a 22 lb package and can be used for highly wear resistant buildups on machine parts and tools.UTP 73 G 2 is, due to its high hardness, toughness and heat resistance ideally suited for buildups on parts subject to severe friction, compression and moderate.UTP 73 G 2. Welding instruction. Preheat the workpiece to 400° C. Hold stick electrode as vertically as possible and with a short arc. Allow.UTP 73 G 2 - AlruqeeUTP A 73 G 2045and X 39and UTP® A73 G 2 Hard Facing TIG Rod 22 lb Tube
UTP 73 G2. / utp maintenance. - by voestalpine basic coated stick electrode. DIN 8555. EN 14700. E 3-UM-55-ST. E Fe8. UTP 73 G 2 is, due to its high.Stick Electrode UTP 73 G2 H-13 1/8 (3.2) 4.8kg. $96.68 /kg. Package Price: $464.06 /4.8 Kg per box. Packaging Description: 4.8 Kg per box.Description UTP A73 G2 is, due to its high hardness, toughness and heat resistance ideally suited for buildups on parts subject to severe friction,.1/8 X 14 FeCr-A 1 UTP® 73 G2 Hard Facing Electrode 1 lb Tube. Show Full Description Hide Full Description. Airgas Part #:UTP48002.UTP 73 G 2. - / -. DIN 8555 / E 3-UM-55-ST. x ; UTP 73 G 3. - / -. DIN 8555 / E 3-UM-45-T · x.Stick Electrode UTP 73 G2 for H-13 5/32 (4.0mm) 5.70 pack.FILLER METALS FOR REPAIR, ANTI-WEAR. - voestalpineWELDING IN TOOLMAKING INDUSTRY - voestalpine. juhD453gf
UTP 73 G 2 is used to good advantage for the production of new cold and hot work- ing tools. In such cases cladding is made on base material with an.1/8 X 14 FeCr-A 1 UTP® 73 G2 Hard Facing Electrode 1 lb Tube. Show Full Description Hide Full Description. Airgas Part #:UTP48002.Due to its lower hardness, the alloy is less susceptible to cracking than UTP 73 G2, particularly under cyclical thermal loads. This makes it excellent for hot-.UTP 73 G2???? ?????DIN 8555 : E 3-UM-55-ST. EN 14700 : E Fe8.UTP® 73 G2 (1). UTP® 73 G3 (1). UTP® 73 G4 (1). UTP® DUR 600 (1). UTP® LEDURIT 65 (1). Show More. Choose a refinement: 1/8 (35). 5/32 (34). 3/16 (23). 1/.Normen. EN 14700. DIN 8555. Werkstoff-Nr. S Fe8. MSG 3-GZ-55-ST. Sonderlegierung. Eigenschaften und Anwendungsgebiete. UTP A 73 G 2 wird für.Tempering. Type Inconel 625. 280 HB. 10–20°C. UTP A 73 G2. 53–56 HRC. (20–40°F). SVERKER 21. TIG. UTP ADUR 600. 55–58 HRC below last. SVERKER 3. Hardened. (GTAW).UTP 73 G 2 anti-wear. Classifications basic-coated stick electrode. DIN 8555. EN 14700. E 3-UM-55-ST. E Fe8. Characteristics and field of use. UTP 73 G 2 is.Stabelektrode UTP 73 G2 5,0 x 400 mm, EN 14700 E Fe8 jetzt online kaufen. Über 20.000 schweißtechnische Artikel, versandkostenfrei ab 100 €.MIG-Schweißdraht UTP A 73 G2 1,6 mm, EN 14700 S Z Fe8 jetzt online kaufen. Über 20.000 schweißtechnische Artikel, versandkostenfrei ab 100 €.1/8 E307-16 UTP® Maintenance Alloy Stick Electrode 10.6 lb Box. 1/8 X 14 FeCr-A 1 UTP® 73 G2 Hard Facing Electrode 1 lb Tube.1/8 X 39 UTP® A73 G 2 Hard Facing TIG Rod 22 lb Tube. Show Full Description Hide Full Description. Airgas Part #:UTP31512.UTP A 73 G2, se usa en partes sujetas a severa fricción, compresión y moderadas cargas de impacto a elevadas temperaturas, tales como: punzones,.200–250anddeg;C (390–480anddeg;F) 58–62 HRC Tempering See “Welding guidelines for plastic mould steel” UTP 73 G2 UTP 690 Type Inconel 625 280 HB 200anddeg;C 55–58.Schweißstab UTP A 73 G2. Für hochverschleißfeste Auftragungen an Maschinenteilen und Werkzeugen, die starkem Abrieb und Druck bei mäßiger Schlagbeanspruchung.Duritatea metalului pur depus 55-58 HRC. Datorita duritatii ridicate si a rezistentei la temperaturi ridicate este folosit in special pentru refacerea.Avesta 312 (3). UTP® 711B (3). UTP® A73 G 2 (3). Avesta 308Si/308LSi (2). Avesta 309/309L (2). Avesta 316Si/316LSi (2). Avesta E308H (2). Avesta P5 (2). BOHLER.UTP® 73 G2 (1). UTP® 73 G3 (1). UTP® 73 G4 (1). UTP® DUR 600 (1). UTP® LEDURIT 65 (1). Show More. Diameter. Choose a refinement: 1/8 (35). 5/32 (34).UTP 73 G 2 is, due to its high hardness, toughness and heat-resistance ideally suited for build-ups on parts subject to severe friction, compression and.AH TRÅD 316 LSi MIG tråd. Rustfast/Syrefast 1.4430, rulle á 15 kg. Austenitisk rustfrit svejsetråd med et lavt kulstofindhold. Tråden giver færre svejsesprøjt.Rod-like electrodes of the type UTP 73 G2 and UTP 690 were used. Welding was performed with rod-like electrodes with a diameter of 2.5 mm with 50A.Stabelektrode UTP 73 G2 2,5 x 300 mm, EN 14700 E Fe8 jetzt online kaufen. Über 10.000 schweißtechnische Artikel, versandkostenfrei ab 100 €.5/32 X 18 UTP® 73 G4 Hard Facing Electrode 10 lb Box. Show Full Description Hide Full Description. Airgas Part #:UTP47827.UTP 73 G2 ID: UTP73G2. Emäksinen elektrodi kulutusta ja painetta kestävien teräksien päällehitsaukseen. Käyttöalue UTP 73 G 2 elektrodi soveltuu sen suuren.NUCOR UTP 73 G2. Goods and Services Description : Welding electrodes and consumables, and welding machines, electric cables and wires, inverters, verters,.UTP A 73 G 2 2,4 x 1000mm TIG rod20 kg/ Weldingfrom 1. 898,40 €Two sides were built up on each plate by manual arc welding using a UTP rod-like electrode. Rod-like electrodes of the type UTP 73 G2 and UTP 690 were used.Tempering. UTP A 6222 Mo. 280 HB. 10–20°C. UTP A 73 G2. 53–56 HRC. (20–40°F). SVERKER 21. TIG. UTP ADUR 600. 55–58 HRC below last. SVERKER 3. Hardened. (GTAW).UTP 65 D. UTP A 651. Repair welding of cutting edge. UTP A 73 G2. UTP 67 S. UTP ADUR 600. Welding recommendations. Filler material. GTAW (TIG).UTP A 73 G 2 2,0 x 1000mm TIG rod20 kg/ Weldingfrom 2. 021,20 €73 G2 A73 G2. APPROX: 55 HRC. Basic coated electrode. Surfacing hot and cold working steels subject to severe friction, compression and moderate impact. Heat.UTP 73 G 2 wird auch vorteilhaft für die wirtschaftliche Neuherstellung von Kalt- und Warmarbeitswerkzeugen verwendet. In solchen Fällen wird als Trägermaterial.